gaming news and anything else I can be bothered to write about. Updated sporadically!

Friday, 9 May 2008

Cogs of Peace

This news will only be good if you read it before 7am on Saturday the 10th of May coz after that you will know about it. Anyway a video is going up on the marketplace tomorrow morning at 7am BST showing the first gameplay of Gears of War 2. The game is still on course for a November release. I look forward to seeing the vid, lets hope it's not edited MTV stylee with quick cuts and stuff so we can't see too much.

1 comment:

Sharon Tang said...

Lol. Maybe it's just the same as that teaser trailer they bought out only... it's the locust using the chainsaw on marcus! *Shock*... not

We'll shall see. I do look forward to GOW2 though!