gaming news and anything else I can be bothered to write about. Updated sporadically!

Monday, 31 March 2008

Best News ever.

I have just heard the greatest gaming news ever, so much so I might have to lie down after I finish this. Rockstar have announced that after GTA 4 is out and on the shelves they have acquired the license to make a GTA type Star Wars game. This is different to the game mentioned further down. It will take place over seven huge Star Wars related maps including Coruscant, Endor and Death Star. You can chose either good or bad and build your stats as you progress. Sounds too good to be true? Yup it is April fool! Ain't I a stinker?

Sticks and stones....and lots of money

A little insider news now but keep it to yourself, my one loyal reader. It appears that super duper retailer GAME has fallen out big time with.........................EA. Oooooooh! why? I hear you ask. Well it seems GAME weren't happy with EAs' pricing plan and tried to alter it a wee bit but EA were having none of it. The end result being that GAME are not getting EA games in in the quantity that they used to, so EA games are placing lower in their in store charts. Potentially fatal for a huge company like EA. But here is the best bit, apparently one of the head honchos at GAME stays with......yup someone high up at EA, ah the irony. Single player mode for them for a while then.

Stay on target....stay on target!

Yup star Wars time. The Force Unleashed is now quite far in to development and for the most part is looking good-maybe too much emphasis on the new game engine than the gameplay but I'll wait and see. Anyways it has come to my attention that a new Star Wars game is in the offing and is going to be announced in the next week or so. What could it be? What would you like to see? Personally I'd really like to see Star Wars original trilogy Arcade on XBLA mmmmmm!

Just a little "bit"

Ha, ha that title was actually quite funny when you find out it refers to this weeks XBLA game which is.......Mr Driller online. For those of you too cool to play Mr Driller, go away, for all the is one of those quirky puzzle type games that will hook you in and bleed you dry. Ultra cute, ultra easy to get in to, horrendously hard to put down. As per the norm 800 ms points, out Wednesday-providing Tuesdays downtime doesn't break live!!!

Recon on another game?

If you head on over to the official Ghost Recon site you will be thrust into a flash presentation hinting at Ghost Recon 3, no bad thing. No screens or anything just now just some army type chattering but the recon games, for me, have always been good. More as always, when I find out.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008


I must apologise for my absence but I have been busy getting engaged. As you can see not that much has happened but I'm back.

Zippy and George 2

Ok last time I mention RSV 2, for a while at least, I got it last week and must admit to being a tad disappointed with it. I was expecting an overhaul of Ghost Recon 2 proportions, instead I got a map pack for RSV. I appreciate that the games were made by different departments of Ubisoft but this just smacks of money making laziness. Ok I admit it is still a good game and the multiplayer is ok but it should have been so much more.

Love Fifteen

Just a wee update, last week I got my paws on Sega Superstars Tennis and it is really good, quality Sega gaming. The tennis plays as well as you would expect and the mini games are great fun. Seems though that i am the only person on my friends list playing it, so if you get the chance pick it up it's great.

Splinter Vegas Recon Melee.

News has reached this Haggis that Ubisoft have secured the rights to the Tom Clancy name. Big deal huh? Well interestingly it apparently means that they now have free reign to do with the games as they wish. Rumoured spin-offs are reported to be a possible MMO and wait for it...........a Smash Bros type game set in the Clancy Universe. For some reason I really like the sound of this idea, but personally I'm waiting for Clancy Kart! Or maybe Clancy's man with the squidgiest face to wear aviators!

Holy ganados

Completely unconfirmed rumours but.....I have recently heard that a special edition Resi 4 is on the way to the 360 and PS3. Some supposed pack shots have surfaced on the wonderweb. The leak supposedly comes from Capcoms' San Fran HQ. However a person working at said HQ has denied the news, shame really coz I would love achievements for playing Resi 4. The pic is of the leaked box but unless it is a tin case edition it looks wrong.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

CHAVEZ check this PRICE out.

Did you see what I did there? If you did you will know that this story may have a Rainbow six slant to it. are currently offering a RSV2 clan pack to save the clan gamers some money. What you get is four copies of the game for £119.97 instead of a wallet busting £159.96, this basically is buy three get one free so four gamers each chipping in £30 can get RSV2 a bit cheaper. Also included are two exclusive guns to use in game, wow! I'm sure though if you look around you might be able to pick it up for £30 anyway, so far £35 is the cheapest I've seen it.

Angry mom, bans X-box live

In my vast trawling through the wonderweb I came across this story, I can't decide if I should take it seriously or with a huge pinch of salt. All of us 360 owners will know about friends lists and parental controls so the story doesn't hold much water but follow this link and make up your own minds.

'EAr what's this all about

As mentioned down below I was wondering why Army of Two has some kind of regional coding on the disc that shows up on your profile and your disc icon, well I found out. It's so that you can't play multi-player with anyone outside of the region you are playing. So kiss goodbye to any glorious thought of playing this pretty good game with your foreign friends. EA, what a complete balls up, but as I mentioned on another site, gaming without screeching Americans could be the greatest gift EA has ever given us. Look at the picture and decide for yourself!

Thursday, 6 March 2008

World of Duty

This one is as of yet un-substantiated but there is a rumour going round that Activision who now own Blizzard are working together to make a Call of Duty Massive Multiplayer Online game. Nothing has been announced of any firm details of consoles etc but it could be good. At the same time it might be utter tosh, I guess time will tell, lets keep an eye out and see how it goes.

Bully for you

Now I haven't played it yet but I have been hearing that Bully for the 360 is quite horrendously broken with various bugs and glitches showing their ugly heads. Freezes, sound glitches and other things have been cropping up. This sounds a great shame as I was quite looking forward to it, however someone from Rockstar had this to say.

"We have just become aware of the issues people are having with Bully Scholarship Edition on Xbox 360. It appears that some older 360s are experiencing framerate issues, freezes and other problems. You have our word that we never experienced any of this in QA - in any of our offices or at Microsoft. I am horrified, and we are now working around the clock to rectify this situation. Thanks to Neo-Gaf for bringing this matter to our attention. We love our games and put a huge amount of energy and care into making them all that they can be. We would never shove anything out the door - we never have and never will. We apologise to everyone affected for the inconvenience." Respectfully, Sam Houser

Army of EU

Just a side note which may or may not be of interest to anyone. I was lucky enough to get an early copy of Army of Two and I'm quite impressed with it but here's the thing. When you are on the 360 dashboard and the wee disc tray icon tells you what you have in it reads Army of Two EU. Is this some attempt by EA to see who is importing games or something? Inquiring minds wanna know.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008


Well it's a slow news day so I thought I would turn all my loyal readers on to the best Scottish film ever. Restless Natives tells the story of two guys from Edinburgh, stuck in dead end jobs who decide to hold up tourist buses dressed as the clown and the wolfman, sounds brilliant, right? Believe me it is wonderful and complimented by the awesome soundtrack by big country. You can pick it up easily on DVD for about a fiver, this link to play will help you Go on and get it, trust me you'll love it.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Game over over

Another aliens quote. As promised I have tracked down some pics of the upcoming aliens game and it has to be said they look pretty damn good. All of the ingredients that make the Aliens films good seem to be present. Check out the pics and let me know what you think. That is of course if anyone actually reads this blog.

Wii Skii do Wii? Wii do

This sounds kinda good, namco bandai are gonna be releasing a game for the Wii called We ski. Note they haven't went down the line of Wii skii, very individual. It can be played with either the controller or the up and coming balance board. The game will feature six courses ranging from beginner to pro courses and will also include some night skiing. The screens look pretty sweet so check 'em out.

Lost my way

Strange thing, after Channel 4 stopped showing Lost I didn't care about the programme. But yesterday I picked up Lost for the 360 as an interim game until something else comes out. So last night I had a thoroughly entertaining five hours playing the game, still got about an hour to go. It's not the most taxing of games but there is something about it I really like. Character models are mostly excellent, landscapes are impressive and gameplay is gentle. I will be trading it in this week when i finish it but I'm glad that I played it, oh I almost gives up it's achievements like a good game should, sweet and easy.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

King of the rocketmen

Next Wednesdays XBLA game will be an offering from the mostly superb Capcom. Rocketmen;Axis of evil is a side scroller, up to 4 player runny, shooty type thing. it looks to be based on some cartoon and a strategy type game, but it is a shooter. As seems to be the par these days it will retail at 800 ms points. Download the trial and see what you think, that's what I'll be doing.