gaming news and anything else I can be bothered to write about. Updated sporadically!

Friday, 29 February 2008

New balls please!

Sega in their infinite wisdom has actually brought forward the release of a game! Yup you read right, brought forward. The game in question is Sega Superstars tennis, which to me actually looks like it could be fun. It features characters and courts based on old Sega games-sonic, samba de amigo, space channel 5, you get the idea. However by my calculations it is now out on the same day as Rainbow six Vegas 2- 21st March. Hmm I wonder what everyone might buy that day? Silly sega

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

They mostly come out at night....mostly!

For anyone witha film head that line will be instantly recognizable as Newts' classic line from Aliens and yes apparently it is not long until we get to play the new aliens FPS game. Published by SEGA and developed by Gearbox it will be called Aliens Colonial Marines and will feature lots of classic stuff from the films; weapons, locations, aliens etc. but of course lots of new stuff as well. There will be single player and multiplayer for up to four peeps with each person apparently undertaking different objectives. Sounds good? too right. One thing though gearbox do the brothers in arms games and the most recent one still hasn't been released after numerous delays.....fingers crossed. Screens as soon as I get them. It's down for release before the end of the year.

Reach out

I was browsing through the marketplace the other night looking for anything to download, nothing really appealed so I chose the Bionic Commando vid for no other reason than boredom. The vid starts with the old Bionic commando and I thought, oh no another classic updated. But then it changed to the new updated version with snazzy graphics. Wow! it looks really good, not just a lazy update. A few howevers though, apparently the file size is too big for the live arcade so some features may be lost and by playing this you unlock a new outfit in the full retail version, no other way to do it. I'm gonna watch this one, more as I get it.

Saturday, 23 February 2008

Hard evidence

Just to prove to all you doubters, I was no.1 in the world on this level for a few days, how good am I?

Dream on

Whilst sufing the wonderweb earlier I discovered a wee nugget. A guy in Japan is selling off his collection of every Japanese dreamcast game ever made. All games are factory sealed and some are even double bagged! The games are on ebay as a group at the very reasonable reserve of $19,999,99. Mind you it's hard to put a price on such quality. However if my numbers come up tonight and I can find a freeloader disc and a Dreamcast, my bid will be straight on. This is the pic of the actual collection.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Xtra Nice Additions

All of you 360 owners may have missed this but on the marletplace there is an option to download some XNA stuff. For those that don't know XNA is Microsofts tools which can be bought to aid in the creation of games. Once you download the XNA thing you can then download some trial games that have been made. Jelly Car has you controling a car that can change size across a map to the exit, stupidly addictive. I also tried The Dishwasher which looks amazing and is a ninja type side on slash 'em up and Tiny Gamers which looks and plays like an ultra violent South Park. There are moe to try too, give 'em a bash they are actually quite good.

Bomb da Bass

I just saw a preview of Sega Bass Fishing Wii, which looks really good. I used to have this on the Dreamcast and is one of the games I really miss. This new iteration sounds to be ideally suited to the Wii with the Wiimote being used as your rod and reel, how wrong could this turn out to be? Check back round about April when I should have had the chance to try it out. Check this for a more detailed look at it

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

n+, what the hell is it?

Today I downloaded a trial of a game called n+ from the marketplace, after a few minutes I knew I had to play the rest of the game. I had only read a few things about this game, all had been positive and with justification. For those of you unaware of it, like i was, you control a weeee ninja whom you must get to pick up a key and then exit the level by jumping. There are however, hazards and enemys that must be avoided and you have a clock that ticks down, but you can pick up extra time. This is all wrapped in pseudo-spectrum type graphics which are entirely functional but really make the game. If you haven't tried it, splash out, I'm addicted.

I am....good at this?

After endless years of gaming with mixed results I recently felt that I had arrived....I topped the leaderboard on The Club! Ok so it was only on one level out of all the leaderboards available but it filled me with such gaming elation that I had never felt before. For a day or so I knew that anyone looking at the top of that specific board would see Haggis The Lord at Number 1. Of course within a few days i was toppled but I didn't care, I had made it.

Alas I lost the no.1 pic so this is the no.2 before I made it.

I have recently been quite lucky to have been accepted into a gamers blog site. currently has ten members who post on a regular basis with regards to the wonderful world of gaming. Topics can be varied and everyone seems really cool. Pop over and check out the site. As the tag line says "we play games". Regards to all fellow members who may find this site.

It's a me.....again.

Us Europeans are famously overlooked by Nintendo when it comes to games releases, sometimes up to a year after the rest of the world. So it was a pleasant surprise to find out that Mario Kart Wii will be out on the 11th of April. It will come bundled with a wheel controller thing but will also support all Wii control methods. It has an r.r.p. of £40, and will have 30 ish tracks, multiplayer arenas and a new wii channel for scores and times.

Gear Up.

Just announced at GDC today, gears of war 2 has been confirmed for an exclusive 360 launch this November. Not much has been revealed at this point but it has been stated that Gears of War was just a warm up act for GOW2 which is going to surpass the original in every way. Check out the marketplace for a free theme, gamerpics and teaser video.